Wednesday, May 11, 2011


I really appreciate Bhagwat Geeta for one great teaching. "Change". The ultimate truth. I think that's everyone of us has witnessed from time time we were born.
When I first created this blog, I was a different person all together. Now, when I look back, I am not the same anymore.
Every moment gone by has changed me completely. Some for good, some for not so good. I am sure it is true for you too.
God sends every creature to this planet with three things - Body, Brain and lots of time. It's on us to make the most of these three things. How we plan to use these things in order to achieve what we want to achieve.

Do we really know what we want to do in our life using these three things?

1. Were we born to earn money? That's it? Is that why God made us?
2. Were we born to praise the lord and worship him? Does God need someone to remember him?
3. Were we born to grow up and raise children and continue the chain?
4. Or were we born to study nature and develop (or destroy) the Earth with our inventions?

None of these make sense when you look at it from God's point of view. Yet everyday, an uncountable number of beings are born on Earth for some reason. Everyday the entire Earth CHANGES, a bit.

With experience of whatever time we had spent in this world, this much I can say that there is something which is not in our control. And if it is not in our control, it supposedly is in the control of the almighty. That something, is TIME. And it's very nature of changing. Time Changes even now when I am typing the words on my keyboard, the world apparently has changed from the time I opened my browser.

Is that what God wants ----Change?

Does he want all of us to change....just like time. Is that what he wants us to show, by giving us time??? Does he want to test us if we are changing with it? Honestly I don't know. But again looking at the list of things that he has given us 1) Time, 2) Body, and 3) Brain. Time essentially teaches us to change. That's what we can learn from it.

Coming to 2) Body: Why did He give us that??? I think probably to ensure that we exist. Without Body we cannot exist. At least that's what a logical brain of mine think about? I mean without body what were we? Anything and everything which exists has a physical appearance (except waves / energy). But the point is why did he want us to Change? Did he give us body ....did he make us exist change?????? I will leave it at that and take it up again in a moment.

3) Brain: What does it do? It helps us understand the world (which is changing). We understand things around us (Changing things) through our mind. Any idea that is new to us, brings about a change in our understanding of the world. So Brain was probably to help us learn and adjust to the change.

In short GOD gave us

Time: which itself changes and changes everything in the process.
Brain: To help us understand and accept the change.
Body: to make us exist in the world and see change along with us.

Change. Is that the idea?

Did he give us time to show us, how to CHANGE (the world). Are we supposed to bring about a change in this world...with every moment passing by. Small, subtle but sure changes. I believe yes. We consider people successful only when they have changed something. Gandhi changed something, or at least contributed to it. Mother Teresa also did the same. Martin Luther changed some things in the world. So did Einstein.

BUT, so did Laden and Hitler too. They also did some changes.

Which ones are we supposed to do? The one Martin Luther did or the one Hitler did.

Time also changes in somewhat similar way. There are good times and then there are bad ones. That judgement every one of us has. I mean it doesn't take a great mind to know that times are good or not. We all have enough brains to know that. Similarly, everybody has enough brains to know what changes are good and which ones are bad.

Probably, God showed us both the faces of time: Good times and Bad times. We are to choose the one we like and follow it. Some chose the bad ones.....see what they did and also got in return. Some chose the "good change path" and glorified themselves.

 We need to work ...for our families, our companies, our friends, to bring about some little but sure changes in the world. 6 billion people bringing about small changes (good changes) can change the world in a flash.

But unfortunately, there are quite a number of people doing it the otherway to....bringing about some bad changes. I think the first way to change the world is to bring about a change in those people. What say? At least we have got a beginning now after so much of discussion.

Did this article change anything? :) :) :) Practically No, I believe.
But thanks for reading anyways.