Monday, August 18, 2014



We all know this equation, right? It's the most famous equation any scientist has ever written. We all know, it changed our life forever. 

It was the first ever attempt to measure the creation of energy. Before this, energy was practically never created by humans. It was the first of it's kind attempt to open the eyes of humanity to the possibility of creating an energy source.

So what the heck was happening before Einstein wrote this equation. Every other equation that involved calculation of energy, was actually calculating how much energy would get converted from one form to the other (or will be lost/wasted). We all read, "Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be converted from one form to the other" Remember! But this view was challenged by Einstein's equation. It clearly said, You can create energy.....from mass.

Before this equation, the ultimate source for all energy around us was the Sun, which essentially worked on the same principle to create energy. It converted mass to energy. And here we were for the first time, trying to compete with nature, or the God, for now we were capable of creating energy.

I believe Prof. Einstein was the person closest to God. His work unveiled how the cosmos was at work and why.

The famous equation formed the basis of Nuclear fusion and fission reaction.

For any nuclear reaction to begin, and start generating energy, extremely high temperature is required. For man made nuclear fission reaction, humans could create such a condition, to kickstart the reaction. But how would such high temperature be attained at Sun, to begin with. Why would a Gas ball, suddenly get heated to extreme temperature so that fusion reaction could begin. If we answer this question, we will know why stars shine. Why every morning sunlight gives us life and how it all began.


When clouds of gases approach each other, they get attracted due to gravitation and start collapsing. More they collapse, heavier they become and attract more clouds of matter. This spirals an unending matter getting attracted to this lump of gas, which gets denser and denser and in the process gets heated up to extreme temperatures. At a right threshold temperature, nuclear fusion Kickstarts and life begins. The star becomes alive. The possibility of life in a nearby planet is now there.

Its "Gravity", thats the source of life, in the end.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Learning to write....

Everyone of us is a writer. When someone tells you, writing is not their cup of tea, don't believe it. Each of everyone has written something and sold it also, at least once in our lifetime. So everyone of us is a commercial writer whose work was successfully sold.

Don't believe it? Read ahead.

Each one of us passed the high school. And how exactly did we do that?

By writing an exam. We traded our written words to earn marks. The examiner bought what we said and evaluated us with the marks which he / she would give. In other words, the masterpiece that we wrote in our exams were sold for marks.

Since all of passed our high school successfully, we must be decent writers.....

What do you think?

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


I really appreciate Bhagwat Geeta for one great teaching. "Change". The ultimate truth. I think that's everyone of us has witnessed from time time we were born.
When I first created this blog, I was a different person all together. Now, when I look back, I am not the same anymore.
Every moment gone by has changed me completely. Some for good, some for not so good. I am sure it is true for you too.
God sends every creature to this planet with three things - Body, Brain and lots of time. It's on us to make the most of these three things. How we plan to use these things in order to achieve what we want to achieve.

Do we really know what we want to do in our life using these three things?

1. Were we born to earn money? That's it? Is that why God made us?
2. Were we born to praise the lord and worship him? Does God need someone to remember him?
3. Were we born to grow up and raise children and continue the chain?
4. Or were we born to study nature and develop (or destroy) the Earth with our inventions?

None of these make sense when you look at it from God's point of view. Yet everyday, an uncountable number of beings are born on Earth for some reason. Everyday the entire Earth CHANGES, a bit.

With experience of whatever time we had spent in this world, this much I can say that there is something which is not in our control. And if it is not in our control, it supposedly is in the control of the almighty. That something, is TIME. And it's very nature of changing. Time Changes even now when I am typing the words on my keyboard, the world apparently has changed from the time I opened my browser.

Is that what God wants ----Change?

Does he want all of us to change....just like time. Is that what he wants us to show, by giving us time??? Does he want to test us if we are changing with it? Honestly I don't know. But again looking at the list of things that he has given us 1) Time, 2) Body, and 3) Brain. Time essentially teaches us to change. That's what we can learn from it.

Coming to 2) Body: Why did He give us that??? I think probably to ensure that we exist. Without Body we cannot exist. At least that's what a logical brain of mine think about? I mean without body what were we? Anything and everything which exists has a physical appearance (except waves / energy). But the point is why did he want us to Change? Did he give us body ....did he make us exist change?????? I will leave it at that and take it up again in a moment.

3) Brain: What does it do? It helps us understand the world (which is changing). We understand things around us (Changing things) through our mind. Any idea that is new to us, brings about a change in our understanding of the world. So Brain was probably to help us learn and adjust to the change.

In short GOD gave us

Time: which itself changes and changes everything in the process.
Brain: To help us understand and accept the change.
Body: to make us exist in the world and see change along with us.

Change. Is that the idea?

Did he give us time to show us, how to CHANGE (the world). Are we supposed to bring about a change in this world...with every moment passing by. Small, subtle but sure changes. I believe yes. We consider people successful only when they have changed something. Gandhi changed something, or at least contributed to it. Mother Teresa also did the same. Martin Luther changed some things in the world. So did Einstein.

BUT, so did Laden and Hitler too. They also did some changes.

Which ones are we supposed to do? The one Martin Luther did or the one Hitler did.

Time also changes in somewhat similar way. There are good times and then there are bad ones. That judgement every one of us has. I mean it doesn't take a great mind to know that times are good or not. We all have enough brains to know that. Similarly, everybody has enough brains to know what changes are good and which ones are bad.

Probably, God showed us both the faces of time: Good times and Bad times. We are to choose the one we like and follow it. Some chose the bad ones.....see what they did and also got in return. Some chose the "good change path" and glorified themselves.

 We need to work ...for our families, our companies, our friends, to bring about some little but sure changes in the world. 6 billion people bringing about small changes (good changes) can change the world in a flash.

But unfortunately, there are quite a number of people doing it the otherway to....bringing about some bad changes. I think the first way to change the world is to bring about a change in those people. What say? At least we have got a beginning now after so much of discussion.

Did this article change anything? :) :) :) Practically No, I believe.
But thanks for reading anyways.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

This too shall pass

Once upon a time, there lived a Jewish king named Solomon. In a grumpy mood, he thought of teaching Benamiah Ben Yehoyada, his minister, a lesson. So he assigned to him a seemingly impossible task. He ordered Benamiah to find him a magic ring with extraordinary features. And that was - if you were happy and wore the ring, you would feel sad, and vice-versa. If you were joyous and wore it, you would feel absolutely sad!
Solomon gave him a six month timeline for the search. Deep down in their hearts both Solomon and Benamiah knew that such a ring did not exist in this universe. Benamiah prayed hard for a miracle. A little before the deadline was over, and having walked for all over for such a ring, he decided to go to one of the poorest places in Jerusalem.
There he saw an old merchant who was spreading ut his goods on a carpet. Benamiah was quite intrigued. He thought, "Let me take a chance with him." Therefore, he asked the merchant whether he had a magic ring that could make a happy person forget his happiness and a sad person forget his sorrow. The merchant smiled. He took a gold ring from his wares and etched four words on it. Benamiah took the gold ring. When he read the inscription he was extemely happy. He felt that his mission was accomplished. He went back to Solomon. Solomon and all his ministers began making a mockery of Benamiah, teasing him as he would have returned empty-handed. Benamiah smiled and offered the gold ring o His Majesty. As soon as Solomon read what was written, he stopped being a tease. The words were "this too shall pass". Suddenly, Solomon felt that everything in life was ephemeral and nothing lasts forever....

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Luck and Persistence

"He worked by day, And toiled by night
He gave up play and some delight.
Dry books he read New things to learn,
And forged ahead Success to earn.
He plodded on with faith and pluck
And when he won they called it luck!"

Nothing can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; Nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are important.

Monday, February 8, 2010

I Am With You

This is one of my favourite stories. My mom used to tell it to me whenever I used to be down. Somehow it still manages to lift me up.
There was a guy who always used to see 4 shadows for his 2 legs. He would wonder, "Two of them are mine, whose are the other two?" And his mother would say, "The other two legs that you see are of the God himself. Wherever you go he is with you". And the boy would be happy just believing that the God himself is with him.

The boy grew up to be a man and like every other mortal he was once surrounding with problems, grief and gloom. He looked down only to find that one set of shadows were no longer there. He could figure out two legs, just two of them. He was devastated and cried up to the lord himself. "How are you different than these people God. You also left me when I am in trouble?"

For the first time in his life, he heard the voice, "Son, you see my legs in the shadow. You are in my lap."